I think it's safe to say that we all want to find our niche. That one place in the world that suits us perfectly. Now I'm not trying to get your hopes up. After all, this is no easy task. It can take plenty of time, patience, research, and perseverance. Oh, and did I mention time? Yeah, you get the point. Our fortes can definitely play a part in this journey. What are YOU good at, and where does your ambition lie? Once you find this out, you'll be well on your way to contentment. Maybe you'd benefit from helping others. This is the path my cousin chose when he pursued his physical therapy education. He wanted more than anything to help people get back on their feet and move on with a healthy and happy life.
Choose carefully! Not every field is right for every individual. Take law enforcement for instance. I can't say that I would want to be a police officer in this world. There are too many rules stacked against you in my opinion. It's just not safe. Then there's a physical therapy education. I wouldn't pursue this field either. I have seen it first-hand with my cousin and it's definitely not up my alley. There is a great deal of struggle and emotions involved. You're suddenly in charge of helping someone to learn to walk again or use their arm, and they can and will certainly take the pain and anguish out on you. You're the one who's there after all.
You won't have any trouble finding a good school to acquire your physical therapy education in this country. American is all about education and selection. My cousin went to school for this particular field in Chapel Hill, North Carolina, and now has a great job at their local hospital. In reality there are employment options for this field all over the nation. Trust me when I say that we can always use more ready and willing individuals in the medical field. But, you'd better do a quick job shadowing before you choose to pursue a physical therapy education further. This job is no picnic, but does have its rewards.